Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Study #2: Arms

I'm a little behind on the summer studies, but things are about to speed up. Here are some studies of the musculature of the arms. I am starting to work primarily in pen in order to improve my line quality. When you start learning the muscles and how they move, you start noticing them on people you see in public. it can be distracting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Animation 2

Here are pieces I did for my Animation 2 class this last semester. This summer I am hoping to finish them both.

Summer Study #1: Legs

This summer, my friend and I are studying a different body part every week. The first part we studied were the muscles of the legs. Here are a few sketches from it

Sid Vicious

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my blog, I am going to try and post as often as I can, I hope you all enjoy it.

This is a sketch of Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols. I am studying from photos and trying to get a good likeness of him so I can do a more developed piece later on. This is my most successful drawing so far
